7 Incredibly Simple Ways for You to Save Time Using AutoHotkey

7 Simple Ways AutohotkeyHave you ever wished for an easy way to write

Your email more than once or quickly

Search for that word on google?

Then I will show you how:

Using an AutoHotkey script you can do that and more with the press of a single keyboard key.

And you’re in luck because in this article:

I’ll give you no less than 7 simple ways to save time.

  1. Google what’s on your clipboard
  2. Open your favorite Websites
  3. Remove formatting from your clipboard content
  4. Use a hotstring to quickly type out different signatures
  5. Start any application with any keyboard key
  6. Automatically type emails with a hotstring
  7. Create a new document in Google Docs with a key press

Degree of difficulty:


In this article we will use a script made with the free scripting language AutoHotkey.

All you need:

And 1 line of plain text from this how-to.


Novices are recommended to have a look at this Tutorial


Once again I will put free download links at the end of this post, for both the finished working ahk script with all the shown lines and also a compiled exe with the same for those who’d like to just try this simple time saver.


Example video: (2:50)

7 Incredibly Simple Ways for You to Save Time Using AutoHotkey


 1.        Google what’s on your clipboard

First a line that will automatically search with google in your standard browser for whatever word or phrase is in your Clipboard.

To use: Copy some text to your Clipboard and press Insert, then a new window or tab will open with a google search for the copied text.

insert:: run www.google.com/#q=%clipboard%

2.         Open your favorite Websites

Fast way to automated the opening of favorite websites in your standard browser for a way to also automated your login have a look at Create a shortcut that automatically logs in to any website

To use: Edit this line for the website url you’d like to open then press Ctrl+f to open the site in a new window or tab.

^f:: run www.facebook.com

3.         Remove formatting from your clipboard content

Nice way to remove any form of formating for the content of your clipboard for more ways to use the clipboard see How to make a script that can copy multiple strings

To use: pressing Ctrl+r will remove any formating from copied text.

^r::Clipboard := Clipboard

4.         Use a hotstring to quickly type out different signatures

Easy way to type more than one signature for your forums or Email’s

To use: Edit the line text to the keys you use to make your signature’s manually and the typing sig2+enter will automatically replace sig2 with the text and keypresses.

::sig2::This is a sig{enter}with some text{enter}{enter}Best Regards{enter 2}JSZ

5.         Start any application with any keyboard key

AHk lets you quickly launch any Program or Application you like without needing to find the desktop icon or shortcut first.

To use: Put the path to your Application after the word run in this line and then the press of CTRL+SHIFT+i will launch that Application

^+i:: run iTunes

6.         Automatically type emails with a hotstring

Fast and easy way to fill out your email in programs or online forms

With Autohotkey you just type the hotstring and the text will be replaced with the full email…

To use: Edit the email address in the line below and then when you type email it will be replaced with the email you put in.


7.         Create a new document in Google Docs with a keypress

All you need to Quickly make a new documents in Google Docs with the press of a key is this line of code in an Autohotkey script.

To use: Press CTRL+n and a new window or tab will automatically open with a new Google Docs document ready.

^n:: run http://docs.google.com/?action=newdoc

X.        Hotkey to toggle AlwaysOnTop stat of the active window

Just a little extra namely an easy way to toggle a window to always stay at the top of all other windows

To use: Press WIN+SHIFT+UP ARROW and the active window will stay on top of all windows just activate the window again and press WIN+SHIFT+UP ARROW to toggle it off.

#+Up::WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, toggle, A


That’s a little taste of the AutoHotkey’s power

So much more can be done automatically just look at some of all the How To’s here on JSZapp.com and Join the insiders update if you wish to know more and be the first to get the exclusive info on the meny extra things you can automate.

If you have any Questions or ways you use to save time please feel free to use the comments or contact page and tell me all about it.


Try it

To use your new Autohotkey script, continue as follows:

  • Save and close the file.
  • Double-click the file to launch it. A new icon appears in the taskbar notification area.
  • Use one of the Hot Keys or Hotstrings to see the script in action
  • To exit or edit the script, right-click the green “H” icon in the taskbar notification area.



  • Scripts like this can hold lots of lines to do many more things than I have shown in this little example.
  • You can also have many AHk scripts running simultaneously, as each will have its own icon in the taskbar notification area all doing their tasks automatically.
  • To have this script start automatically when you start your computer, create a shortcut to the script file in the Start Menu’s Startup folder.



Totally free and I will never share any info you may provide.

Script (.ahk) 

Free – Get


Application (.exe) 

Free – Get



1 Comment

  1. Hi! I want to copy selected text o image from a document or a web page and paste it in a specified google doc. Is there a way to do this using Autohotkey?

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