If unread emails are a pain for you, then this tutorial will help. I love getting emails! I see it as a great opportunity for me to help a reader And maybe even earn more trust from you my audience And it seems to work: IN THIS TUTORIAL YOU’LL LEARN ABOUT: How my own daily habits were keeping …
Mouse macro recorder a tutorial
There are so many free mouse and keyboard recorders All of them just one download away So if that is all you need: This tutorial may not be for you Because in this tutorial I will teach you how to make your Very own unique mouse macro recorder. And its simple and totally free, All you need …
Make a beautiful graphical user interface in 15 lines or less
I hope you can agree with me when I say: A beautiful graphical user interface (GUI) Can be hard to make: Getting it to look really look beautiful is even HARDER. Or is it? Well, it turns out. You can dramatically increase the look of your GUI’s by using one simple method… …a method that has helped …
How-to: Create a shortcut that automatically logs in to any website
Would you like to discover how you can make desktop shortcuts That will automatically open and Fill in your username and password Then log you into any website fully automated? Ever since I learned how to use a script to automate a browser I have been using scripts to automate and log in to websites. If you also see the …