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autohotkey scripts for novices

11 Very Basic AutoHotkey Scripts for Novices

Let’s begin this guide by defining the elephant in the room, ‘AutoHotkey’. AutoHotkey is a powerful and free automation tool that allows you to perform any task automatically on your windows machine. If your new to using AutoHotkey, downloading is required (you will need to visit the home page of AutoHotkey to download the AHK installer …

even wikipedia can't tell

17 Things Wikipedia Can’t Tell You about AutoHotkey

Wikipedia is regarded as one of the best encyclopedias available on the internet. Therefore, it provides information on almost anything and everything. But, when it comes to AutoHotkey, AHK for short, it really lacks to provide authentic and essential information. The information currently present on the AutoHotkey’s Wikipedia page is not very enticing for the …

Reserved keywords AutoHotkey

AutoHotkey Scripting: Reserved keywords

Now it is time for Reserved keywords So far, we have covered an important concept called variables. We discussed how to use the operator := to specify values. We also looked at what to name the variables. Like True and False are the names of two built-in variables. There are many other keywords supported By AHK which are reserved and …

Autohotkey Best Practices

AutoHotkey Scripting Thoughts: Best Practices

As you begin to expand your use of AutoHotkey Like philip did from last week’s post It’s common that a need or desire to write code That performs complex operations arise Or the wish to use more Advanced functionality of AutoHotkey comes up Simply writing line after line Will not always give you the best Ahk …

Make a beautiful graphical user interface in 15 lines or less

I hope you can agree with me when I say: A beautiful graphical user interface (GUI) Can be hard to make: Getting it to look really look beautiful is even HARDER. Or is it? Well, it turns out. You can dramatically increase the look of your GUI’s by using one simple method… …a method that has helped …

7 Incredibly Simple Ways for You to Save Time Using AutoHotkey

Have you ever wished for an easy way to write Your email more than once or quickly Search for that word on google? Then I will show you how: Using an AutoHotkey script you can do that and more with the press of a single keyboard key. And you’re in luck because in this article: I’ll give you no less …

How-to: Copy and paste multiple strings at the same time

Do you want to discover how to copy and paste text effectively? This tutorial will show you how-to make a script that lets you copy and paste, then hold multiple strings. Degree of difficulty: If you have never made a AutoHotkey script before i’ll show you the 5 fast steps. Novice’s are recommend to have a look …